Thursday, January 9, 2014

Senryu #2

One step. Another.
Intense noise surrounds me.
I guess I am home.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Couplet #2

Oh how I love the snap,
Of a fresh sheet of bubblewrap.

Haiku #5

Green contrasts with white
Snow on an evergreen bush-
A sky full of clouds.

Haiku #4

A flash of bright blue,
A feather lying in grass-
A sweet bluebird's song.

Haiku #3

Delicate crystal,
Can be broken with one finger,
Yet fell from the sky.

Mystery poem

Today is special,
The day of my favorite poem-
Can you guess what kind?

Virelay #2

I meet a hundred people every day,
And yet I don't know one,
I smile at them while they pay
In a flash they're done.

I'm surrounded by people having fun,
But I don't know one name.
So How can you honestly meet anyone
When tomorrow will be the same.

A few who walk in make me happy they came,
Some are horribly rude,
No matter what happens I must always aim,
To keep a positive attitude.